If The Joyful Parenting Collective doesn't meet your expectations within 5 days of joining, we will give you a full refund.
The all-in-one parenting space for every parenting challenge. Feel calm, confident and joyful in your parenting in less than 15 minutes per session
Does This Feel Familiar?
Maybe You are...
Walking on eggshells after your child lost it for you cutting the sandwhich the wrong way. Or maybe you are in the bathroom, bracing yourself because you can hear your child escalating and your partner NOT sounding calm and confident.
Or you are TRYING to do the gentle, respectful, conscious parenting
And also, you just want fewer moments of parenting feeling so challenging, or worrying "AM I DOING THIS RIGHT???" You may even be wondering if it's even possible.
Or maybe you are lying in bed at night...
Thinking, "This isn't how I wanted this day to go. Tomorrow will be different!" But the truth is, you don't know if it actually will be different.
You feel exhausted, defeated and start wondering if other parents feel this way...
You are not alone.
If The Joyful Parenting Collective doesn't meet your expectations within 5 days of joining, we will give you a full refund.
What Do Parents Inside Have to Say?
A space that is there for you as your young children go in and out of phases, so neither of you stay stuck, but instead you equip your kids with lifelong skills for successful relationships.
If You Lack Time, Support or Energy...WE HAVE GOT YOU!
All Materials Available via PODCAST app
You can now listen to the courses, workshop AND library fully on your preferred podcast app!
Monthly Emails Checking In on You
Each month I will check in with reminders, quick wins, ways to utilize the JPC and support.
Clarifying Quiz
Start by taking a clarifying quiz to help you create a curated list of what materials would best serve YOU and YOUR FAMILY
Annual Pricing
You can now access the JPC all year long and select one payment, or a payment plan to best suit your needs.
If You Lack Time, Support or Energy...WE HAVE GOT YOU!
All Materials Available via PODCAST app
You can now listen to the courses, workshop AND library fully on your preferred podcast app!
Clarifying Quiz
Start by taking a clarifying quiz to help you create a curated list of what materials would best serve YOU and YOUR FAMILY
Monthly Emails Checking In on You
Each month I will check in with reminders, quick wins, ways to utilize the JPC and support.
Annual Pricing
You can now access the JPC all year long and select one payment, or a payment plan to best suit your needs.
“Honestly, I’m not sure how to even put into words all the JPC has done for me and my family, but it is not an exaggeration to say it has been life-changing.”
Here's what parents had to say about the Shame Spiral Workshop (replay, guide and bonuses INCLUDED with JPC)
You know you want to be a great parent and have a great long lasting relationship with your kids, but you aren’t sure HOW
Parenting doesn't have to feel this hard.
With the JPC you CAN be a calm and confident parent. You are already an amazing parent. Let me help you become a less overwhelmed one.
“There is a very personal and connected feel with Myla.
She remembers specifics about your family and can build her helpful answers around you and your kids as an individual instead of just broad generalized advice you get from big account resources. The personal touch makes all the difference when trying make changes to your parenting approach."
-Laura H
Mom of toddler and newborn
Trust Me, You Are An Amazing Parent.
And, maybe you weren’t parented in this intentional way that you are. If you weren’t parented this way, how the heck are we supposed to do something you didn’t have ? Or maybe you’ve read a few parenting books, listened to a few podcasts, bought a course, but in the moment, it feels like nothing changes.
What The Parents Inside Say
"It has been a great fit for our family and Myla has provided amazing frameworks to guide our responses and interactions. The calls are super helpful - I feel validated, seen and part of a supportive community."
-Brittany Thompson
It's the most comprehensive parenting course out there because it considers the whole family and it offers real, concrete strategies for dealing with specific situations without judgment.
-Beth Duncan
"SO WORTH IT! Myla's offerings are impactful and her content covers a plethora of parenting challenges. The Joyful Parenting Collective is truly a gold mine of resources and support. The tools and strategies I have found through the JPC
I used right away and found immensely helpful."
-Emily Yildiz
"Myla is so relatable, her strategies work, they are not generic!"
-Maylee Horgen
What Sets The Joyful Parenting Collective Apart?
Monthly emails checking in to see how things are going, optional group coaching calls (live and recorded), Facebook group, prioritized support on Instagram.
Instead of focusing only on what to do, say or tell your child, ALSO be considered and supported with holistic support.
Unlike a program that claims to be the coveted parenting manual, learn what is already amazing in your family and build on those wins to create more.
Unlike parenting spaces where you are lost in the mix, I, Myla get to know YOU, YOUR CHILD and when you send a email, it’s not a ‘team member’ but actually me. Think of this like a boutique parenting space!
My hope is you take that offering and filter it through your family values, unique circumstances and your child’s temperament and use what is helpful.
A focus on YOUR individual child & foundations specific for YOUR family
Workbooks with accompanying videos that will help you feel clear on your WHY (what is guiding your parenting?) CHALLENGES (what exactly is making you feel overwhelmed?) STRENGTHS (what is amazing about each person in your family) IDEAL (what is your ideal parenting life?)
Suddenly you will have more time to focus on enjoying your family, instead of trying to figure out how to help them!
A Cycle of Action and Noticing Wins
Private Facebook Group to share wins, and ask questions and check in
Workbooks and plans that can be implemented IMMEDIATELY, meaning you can see changes the next day
Emails that remind, guide and support you
A clarifying quiz to eliminate overwhelm and lets you know the best place to spend your precious parenting energy!
Monthly LIVE group coaching calls where the community questions are addressed.
Education compiled from the leading resources and information in parenting. All information considers BOTH parent AND child.
Save time instead of spending hours (or hundreds of dollars) reading books, buying parenting courses, searching on Google for "how to get your kid to..." not knowing if the advice aligns with how you want to parent!
A private Facebook group with like-minded and knowledgeable parents and space to ask questions. A group of non-judgemental parents and a safe space to ask questions and share experiences
NEWLY ADDED: Live Group Coaching Calls
This community means you don't need take a poll from your girlfriends to see how they are handling meltdowns (and hear conflicting ideas!). Support and community that aligns with your values!
Feel more ease, confidence and joy in your parenting. Start texting your partner “we had such a great day!” instead of “Worst day, when are you home?”
The Core Parenting Pillars Curriculum
An in-depth training that will help you quickly establish clarity on your why, your parenting challenges, strengths and vision so that you can make the most out of the program. This is the same process I take my private clients through to get them on track fast to reach their unique goals.
The Library
A collection of plans, schedules for you, and scripts to support you in a variety of common parenting situations. When you join JPC you’ll get instant access to:
The library is always growing!
All Previous Workshops
Private Parenting Community
All members of JPC are invited to join a private Facebook Community where you can share your weekly intentions, wins & ideas with other parents. There are also live videos to support your parenting & personalized check-ins.
Instant Access to ALL Courses
LIVE group parent coaching calls every month
Alongside other amazing parents, join your coach, PCI certified parent educator, Myla, for an hour live video call where you can get your questions answered to your specific parenting struggles. If you can't make it live, you can submit your question to the recorded call too!
Get ready to be given actionable steps without being judged, shamed or 'shouldered.' You can also expect maximum hand waving while explaining, and a few laughs.
DO IT. It changes our family for the better every day.
4 month minimum commitment.
Includes the core pillars that help you get CLEAR on your parenting challenges.
Why would you parent this way? An ideal parenting situation and strengths
11 courses (all available on your home podcast) with workbooks
A library of over 90 quick videos (or audios on your home podcast app)for the most frequently asked questions in parenting
BONUS: Access to ALL past workshops including Same Page Parenting, Better Bedtimes and Mornings without Yelling
Save $88
Includes the core pillars that help you get CLEAR on your parenting challenges.
Includes everything in the monthly membership
On demand parenting support throughout the year as your children change, and you move along your parenting journey
Save $145
Includes the core pillars that help you get CLEAR on your parenting challenges.
Includes everything in the monthly membership
On demand parenting support throughout the year as your children change, and you move along your parenting journey
4 month minimum commitment.
Includes the core pillars that help you get CLEAR on your parenting challenges.
Why would you parent this way? An ideal parenting situation and strengths
11 courses (all available on your home podcast) with workbooks
A library of over 90 quick videos (or audios on your home podcast app)for the most frequently asked questions in parenting
BONUS: Access to ALL past workshops including Same Page Parenting, Better Bedtimes and Mornings without Yelling
Save $88
Includes the core pillars that help you get CLEAR on your parenting challenges.
Includes everything in the monthly membership
On demand parenting support throughout the year as your children change, and you move along your parenting journey
Save $145
Includes the core pillars that help you get CLEAR on your parenting challenges.
Includes everything in the monthly membership
On demand parenting support throughout the year as your children change, and you move along your parenting journey
JOIN MONTHLY and cancel any time after 4 months, no cancellation fees.
Full, instant access to The Joyful Parenting Collective
The Core Parenting Pillars curriculum.
Instant access to the Joyous Parenting Library
Price locked in and will never increase.
JOIN ANNUALLY and have on demand parenting support as you and your child change
Instant Access to ALL Courses
Live group coaching calls every month
Invitation to join our Private Parenting community.
Plus all of the listed benefits on this page above.
“Above all I so appreciate the supportive way Myla approaches issues. How she helps lift parents up when they are feeling doubt. I also feel a sense of calm and patience I haven’t always felt as a parent and know I am a better one for that. I see so many wonderful changes in my son already and when challenges arise I feel I have the structure and “script” to get through them. I feel more connected than ever to my son and family.”
“The JPC uplifts you, encourages you to keep doing what you do best at parenting while giving you resources to address any issues you may have.”
Still not sure if the Joyful Parenting Collective is for you?
If you’re a parent of young children and any of the following is true for you, we’re calling you over and can’t wait to see you inside the collective:
- You feel overwhelmed by your role as mom or dad.
- You’d love to feel more confident in your parenting approaches.
- You want to parent in a way that increases your child’s emotional intelligence, resilience and coping strategies.
- You want to stop using yelling and using time outs or rewards (or threatening to use these).
- You want clear, concise information on parenting that is based on research and not just one parent’s experience.
- You’d like to parent in ways that are specific to your child.
- You’ve read some parenting books, but struggle to put the information into practice.
- You want strategies where you can see the benefits each week.
- You want to connect with other like-minded parents.
“For me, I find a few things exceptional about the JPC:
“The JPC offers such a positive place of support and education. The on demand resources and being able to talk it out directly with Myla allows members to implement strategies that fit with their individual family values and that's a beautiful thing that I haven't found anywhere else."
“I find more joy in everyday activities with my children! "
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions? I’ve answered a few of the common ones for you below
Each course has lessons which are a compilation of short videos, guides and exercises to implement the information into your life. You can also access the courses via your own podcast app.
The materials are structured for parents of children age 1-7 years old.
When you join you’ll get access immediately to everything. Even with 15 minutes a day parents can see huge transformation.
Many parents love how you can listen to all the materials as a podcast while on the go. The coaching calls will be approx. 1 hour and will be recorded and available if you aren’t able to attend live.
I have a Masters of Education, was a former kindergarten teacher for years before having my own two children and I have a masters level coaching certification in parent coaching. I have been a practicing certified parent coach for five years and the materials I have gathered directly relate to the most common challenges I see with clients.
It's so great that in this day and age there are ways to share education and support parents for free. The collective is a deep dive into the snippets I share on free platforms, but the biggest difference is you are going to individual support for your family. It’s an opportunity to take the things I offer on social media and use them in a way that your family has fewer challenges and finds more joy. The collective answers the question, “how do I use that information for my family in particular?” I've also heard from parents inside the collective that the offerings from Instagram are easier to implement into their parenting because of the foundation from the JPC. If you find yourself gathering information from Instagram, but having a hard time with implementation, the JPC will help you.
The JPC is $37 USD per month for a four month committment, or $299 for for the year.
The modules are compilations of my nine years of postsecondary education. Similar parenting courses (which would just include the modules and not the core pillars, library, example videos) generally sell for $250. The monthly calls with me, a PCI certified coach, are valued at $225.
The community of like-minded and supportive parents is another part that makes the collective so valuable. Together we’ll celebrate wins, support each other through challenges, and share ideas. This is the way parenting used to be done, and will make a huge difference to the joy you feel in your role.
Yes, if you are on the monthly subscription, after the four-month commitment, you can cancel your membership at any time by submitting a ticket through the JPC website.
The courses are as follows:
Calm and Confident Parents
Taming Fits and Tempering Tantrums
Good Fit Parenting: Understanding Your child's Temperament
Bottom-Up Regulation: Self Regulation
Top-Down Regulation: Emotional Regulation
The Power Play
Anxious Feelings in Childhood
Siblings: Creating a Foundation of Love
Co-Parenting (Extended Family)
Navigating a New Sibling
No! Dad, teachers, grandparents, daycare providers can all benefit from the process inside JPC!
© Copyrights by Myla Leinweber Parent Coaching All Rights Reserved.
A space that is there for you as your young children go in and out of phases, so neither of you stay stuck, but instead you equip your kids with lifelong skills for successful relationships.